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Tuesday 22 November 2016

My name is Rita, a 32-year-old married woman with two kids. I have been married for eight years now but I am presently done with this marriage.

Though my family and friends have advised that I give my
husband, Sunny, another chance so that I do not become a
single mother, I have decided to move on because of what he
You would not believe that I caught Sunny having sex with my
own younger sister, » Daphne , on our matrimonial bed.
If that is not enough to leave him, I don't what is. I knew that
Sunny had severally cheated on me with different women but
since I had never caught him at it, I just played the fool and
behaved as if I did not know, after all, what the eyes does not
see, the heart should not grieve about.
But never in my wildest dream would I have expected that he
would do it with my own sister and the pain is so much that if I
continue to live with him, I may end up killing him.
It happened that I travelled to Abuja on official assignment and
had to call Daphne to come and stay in the house to take care
of my children.
That was not the first time I had invited her over anytime I
travelled but little did I know that I was inviting trouble into my
Daphne, at 26, had always been the black sheep of the family
with no meaningful relationship at her age but how would I
have known that she would extend her body to my husband.
I was supposed to come back to Lagos on a Saturday but on
Thursday, my boss called that I should come back to the office
as there was an emergency that needed my attention urgently.
I had to quickly call the airline and rescheduled my flight back
and flew into Lagos earlier than expected. I had some things I
had bought for my kids and husband as well as Daphne, so I
had to go home to drop them before going to the office.
I saw no point in calling Sunny as I felt he would be in the office
at that time, so I took an airport taxi home.
The first sign of trouble was when I saw Sunny's car in the
compound but I thought he had decided to go with their staff
bus, something he did once in a while.
When I opened the door and saw the whole place scattered, I
made a mental note to let Daphne know she should have
cleaned up the place.
I dragged my bags to the bedroom with the intention of just
dumping them and dashing back to the office with the taxi that
brought me.
But as I was making my way to the bedroom, I heard some
sounds that froze me to a spot. They were the unmistakable
sounds of a couple making love. In that moment, it flashed into
my head that Sunny had brought a woman home to have sex.
Without thinking twice, I barged into the unlocked bedroom and
lo and behold, there were my husband and my own sister on
our bed, having sex.
My screams must have brought them back to earth as I faintly
saw them rush for their clothes. I passed out and only became
conscious in the hospital.
It has been three weeks since I witnessed the abomination and I
am currently staying with a friend while contemplating what to
Sunny and my family members have been begging me but how
would I live with the knowledge that my husband and my sister
had sex on my matrimonial bed?

Dear readers, on Morning Teaser » today, we want you to
put yourselves in Rita's shoes and tell her what you think she
should do.

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